Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Thank heaven for cameras

I was watching my children today doing the lovely things they do and suddenly thought "will I remember this?"

Will I remember how Austin loves to be kissed?  How he gets a big grin even if you just make kissing noises?  Or how if you make cooing sounds to him he'll make them back?  Will I remember that when he's really happy he wriggles and kicks his legs like mad?  Or how he looks gorgeous in green?  And will I remember that for some reason during the daytime he likes to sleep with the curtains open?

Will I remember that Hayley loves to wrestle and that her favourite weapon is licking?  Or that she loves to share our crumpets or muffins, but won't eat them from her own plate?  Will I remember the exact shade her hair turns in summer and how at the age of 2 it hangs all bouncy just below her shoulders?  Or how she loves to demonstrate her boogie bum?  Will I remember exactly how when she holds my hand it feels so small and so secure?

I won't remember everything and that makes me feel incredibly sad.  For the things that can't be captured in a picture I'll have to get better at writing them down, and for the things that can, thank heaven for cameras.

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