Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Adios Suckers!

Hayley has a bad habit of biting things.  Today I caught her with DVD in her mouth.  Anyway because of this she was down to one dummy having lost one and chewed through two.  The last time she chewed through one we told her that it was broken and she had to throw it away, which she did.  We then explained to her that she now only had one left so she needed to take care of it because if she broke that one it would have to go in the bin and then she wouldn't be able to have one anymore.

That day arrived on Monday.  Whilst at her Aunty Cait's I noticed that her dummy (which was in my bag for emergencies) had a hole in and that I was now going to have to face a few days of torture by means of a 2 year old's screams.  I called Jon and gave him the bad news.  Before bedtime we sat Hayley down and showed her that her dummy was broken.  We told her that she could have it for one more night and then she would have to throw it away.  The next morning we reminded her that it had to go and she threw it in the bin with no problem.

However, when it came to nap time I spent 1hr 10mins repeatedly putting her back to bed, cuddling her, explaining about the dummy in a continuous cycle until she got completely over the fact that she was tired and eventually brought her downstairs again.  I expected the same at bedtime but to our surprise she only asked for the dummy twice and went to bed with only some of the normal amount of fussing.  She refused a nap again today and wouldn't even let me take her upstairs so I didn't push it.  This meant that she was fairly hideous this afternoon throwing tantrums at the smallest thing (one being that she wanted a red ice pop, which I gave her only for her to start screaming that she wanted an orange one - cue me tearing my hair out) but by bedtime was exhausted.

She asked for her dummy on the way to bed and I said her dummy was broken and asked her what happened to it.  "It's in the bin Mummy!" like I was stupid not to know!  And she went to bed with absolutely no fuss and we haven't heard a peep from her since.


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