Monday, 30 August 2010


When Hayley was 9 months old I was walking into Church carrying her when she said "car" as we went past one.  I thought it must have been a coincidence and she was just babbling, but then on the way out we passed the same car again and she said "car".  I was surprised and so so proud!  Since then her speech has rapidly improved - within a couple of weeks she was saying 'dog' and 'woof' as well as Mama and Dada, which of course was her very first word.  People have often commented on how well she speaks for her age and has for a few months been able to talk in sentences, although she often misses out the connecting words like 'the' and 'a'. 

Our gorgeous girl just before her brithday
She comes out with some really funny things and I thought I'd share some:

Iccleponamous - believe it or not this is Hippopotamus

When she asked to watch a movie I asked her which one she wanted to watch and she said "Ice Age Dinosours eat Sid in mouth" and opened her mouth wide and pointed into it just to make sure I knew exactly what she meant.

Jon was putting up the new TV and Hayley pointed to the old one which was on the floor and said "That one broken, that Mummy's."  She then pointed to the new TV and said "That Hayley's."  Today I asked her where my TV was and she pointed to the old one, so I asked where her TV was and she pointed to the new one.  Then I asked her where Daddy's TV was (we don't have another one) and she stood and thought for a bit and then went "Ummmmmm.... upstairs!"

I can't think of anymore just now as my brain has switched off but I'll update this as soon as it comes back to me!

1 comment:

  1. She came out with another one today. She asked for the cankey and pointed to the calculator. I corrected her and got her to repeat back calculator, afterwhich she still called it cankey.

    And she says "ah scoot" for "ah it's cute."
