Saturday, 13 November 2010

Minor Irritations

I'm back!  My friend Linda came over yesterday afternoon (Thank you so much - it was very much needed!) and whilst here said "I didn't know you had a blog."  So thought it was about time I did a bit more on here as I have been somewhat absent for a while, mostly due to potty training. If this was homework my teacher would surely have written 'must do better'.

I was disproportionately annoyed by a sock yesterday.  So much so that it made me think "Have I got OCD or something?!"  When I got dressed I was in a bit of a hurry as we had uncharacteristically overslept - a small miracle as anyone with children will know.  In any case I had an appointment at 10am with my health advisor and was running late.  In my haste I wasn't paying attention when I put my socks on and then when I came downstairs I realised that one of them was inside out.  I am not the sort of person who can shrug this off and think "oh well, who cares?".  So I took my sock off to right this heinous wrong.
Not my feet.  Or my socks.

Unfortunately I got distracted by Hayley taking off the cardigan I had just got her to put on and failed to turn the sock the right way round before I put it back on.  Without having realised this I put my shoes on and off we went.  It wasn't until we had come home again and I had made everyone lunch that I sat down and saw what I had done.  I now had a dilemma on my hands.  Do I turn the sock round and get all that dust and what not on my foot or do I leave the sock as it is and let it annoy me all day?  I decided I couldn't cope with all that muck on my foot and left it as it was.

I kept noticing it through the day and letting out a mental gasp of exasperation!  I was so relieved when I went to bed that I was finally able to take it off!  I can't believe that not once did it occur to me just to put a new pair of socks on and all would have been well with the world...